After being retired for about a year from a thirty year career, I thought I could find a little part time job to keep me busy.   I attended church with Joel Elder who was executive director of Camp Oak Hill at the time.  I asked if there was something I could do with the camp.  He said it just happened that the person who was doing all the mowing at camp was leaving and would I like to spend 20 hours a week in the hot summer sun on a riding mower.   After considerable thought (about 2 seconds) I responded – uh, no.    Fortunately, a month or so later the financial secretary decided to she wanted to spend more time at home with her two young children.  Joel asked if I would like to help part time with the bookkeeping.   Although I had no experience, I figured (no pun intended) that I could handle that, and I guess I did.  A year later they asked me to go full time and, twelve and half years later, here I am. 

Even better, Amy Jo and I now have seven grandkids who cannot wait to come to Grammie’s and Grandpa’s every summer so that can go to camp.  This year 4 will come from  Oklahoma and 3 will come from Japan.   Five will go to Camp Oak Hill and two will stay at the house (Grammie’s camp) until they are old enough to go to ”Grandpa’s camp”.

The doors that God opens and the paths that appear we seldom see coming.