Camp Oak Hill
Staff DirectoryWe work at Camp Oak Hill because it matters. It is
of great value both now and for eternity as we get
to see lives (young and old) changed forever.
Our Staff
“Building for Character, Not for Fame”

Scott Flowers
Camp Director

Liza Farrar
Facilities Manager

Shauna King
Finance Manager

Melanie Daryani
Executive Assistant

Only the Best
The WHY behind all that we DO
As a staff we are often asked why we do what we do and work at Camp Oak Hill. While we each have unique answers, passions and paths that God brought us down, a pair of central desires for each of us is to see the next generation reached with the Gospel and to utilize our talents and abilities to steward and grow the gifts that God has given to COH.
“A biblical understanding of work energizes our desire to create value from the resources available to us. Recognizing the God who supplies our resources, and who gives us the privilege of joining in as cocultivators, helps us enter into our work with a relentless spirit of creativity.” – Tim Keller